GrowthCode For Brands & Buyers

Marketers struggle with signal loss and cannot sit back and wait for a solution. Invest now in first-party data assets and partners to meet the future today.

Core Problem

Brands and Buyers are struggling with signal loss and the loss of the third-party cookie


Several forces like user privacy, data security, Walled Garden indecisiveness, and viable alternatives effect the the ultimate path media buyers choose

The Solution

Solutions exist today to addressability independent of Google's monopoly

The Core Problem

Marketers struggle with signal loss. Key use cases such as retargeting and custom audiences rely heavily on third- party data signal that have and will continue to erode.

Without new methods to target audiences on the open web, more budget will flow into the walled gardens - thus pushing up pricing and lowering ROAS. Simply stated, the open internet must be a viable way to reach audiences for brands and their agencies to profit.

However finding and deploying such solutions is a mess at the moment.

Answers to these questions are causing heavy investment hesitation and investment gridlock.

  • How do I maintain addressability in Open RTB?
  • How do I bring my data to the sell side to safely build my own targeting and activate?
  • How can I construct bespoke audiences versus off-the-shelf offerings from marketplaces?
  • How do I connect my CRM data to the sell side while observing privacy and user preferences?
  • How do I prevent brand and financial risks such as ID bridging and UID stuffing?

GrowthCode Identity
Data refinery


Given this new set of addressability problems on the open web and the lack of definitive and clear solutions outside the walled gardens, brands are investing in their own first-party data with the knowledge that it has definitive utility in all marketing channels they invest in. And that more obvious solutions for working with first-party data with vendors will emerge as signal continues to subside.

Yet while most buyers have invested in CRMs, CDPs, Data Lakes, or other data systems, the addressable signals from these systems have not been linked to the broader ecosystem for planning, activation, and measurement - hence the desire to invest in a graph of IDs in the customer data system that extends the graph further.

However, creating the multiple integrations and optimizations to extend the brand customer data set is costly, time consuming, and fraught with privacy and user concerns. Further, each identity space represents different attributes to the enterprise so experimentation and utilization of the 25+ most popular universal IDs (UIDs) becomes a massive headache

The Solution

GrowthCode has invested millions to build an “easy button” that offers brands and their vendors the instant-on infrastructure to construct a first-party data set that can be used across the marketing portfolio to power both existing activation like retargeting, Open RTB and Deal ID–as well as  future channels like direct first-party deals with publishers through deal curation.

With GrowthCode, brands and agencies do not have to:

  • Invest millions to integrate and support the 25+ UIDs required to understand which UIDs work for which marketing use case. 
  • Spread their already scarce resources too thin on a series of one off integrations and optimizations
  • Spend untold hours building an ID graph from scratch to build “data equity” with their own, optimized and refreshed first-party graph that can be leveraged across multiple marketing  channels.

How GrowthCode builds and deploys a Brand's first-party data graph

GrowthCode Overview


Putting it all together with GrowthCode


Build brand GRAPH

New Paragraph



New Paragraph


CURATE audiences

New Paragraph


RE-TARGET your visitors with first-party data

New Paragraph

GrowthCode GRAPH


Build & Optimize Your Own ID Graph

Take control of the future of your media targeting by building, optimizing, and maintaining your own identity graph


Acquire, build and deploy your 1P data identity and data graph with a cloud-based infrastructure


Technology in use:

  • GRAPH  
  • Sync Engine: Resolution server, Universal IDs, Pixel server


  • Future-proof your marketing
  • Cut complexity managing ID vendors
  • Build data factory for future advertising & marketing opportunities 
  • Build signal using your own data


  • Create Graph infrastructure
  • Map keys : Universal IDs and Pub ID
  • Resolve traffic to deterministic keys
  • Stitch user attributes to keys
  • Map to customer system of record

GrowthCode ROUTER


Enrich your Bids with 20+ UIDs with one script.

Maximize the Value of each Impression Investment Using Your First-Party Data Graph


Enrich your graph and identifiers with contextual signals and appropriate third-party data


Technology in use:

  • GRAPH 
  • Sync Engine: Universal IDs, Pixel server


  • Maintain addressability in a world of signal loss
  • Increase yield by ~5% or more
  • Remove reliance on third-party cookie
  • Obtain uplift on impressions that have and don't have 3rd party cookies
  • Deliver impressions with the data currency buyers seek


  • Leverages universal Identifiers from your ID Graph
  • Maintains addressability beyond third-party cookie deprecation
  • Reduces data leakage
  • Leverage contextual signals to provide more user fidelity

GrowthCode SCRATCH


Create Custom Audiences Using First-Party Data

Use your targeting 'recipe' against publisher first-party 'ingredients'

GrowthCode SCRATCH overview


Generate custom audiences using a host of brand-custom targeting recipes built on your first-party data


Technology in use:

  • Synch Engine


  • Increase CROAS
  • Future-proof targeting
  • Reduce reliance on outside vendors
  • Bespoke targeting performs better than standardized audience products


  • Map/Create custom audience segments
  • Match audience targeting attributes into publisher ID graph
  • Generate segments within curation platforms
  • Ct

first-party cookieless retargeting


Next-generation retargeting with first-party Data

Cookieless retargeting to bring users back

next-generation retargeting with first-party data


  • 40% of digital marketing budgets goto retargeting because it works.
  • Brands need alternatives to the expensive retargeting options for the Walled Gardens


Technology in use:

  • GRAPH 
  • Sync Engine


  • Future-proof retargeting
  • Reduced cost from Walled Garden retargeting CPMs
  • Maintain a very productive media channel after cookie deprecation


  • Using your first-party data, construct pure retargeting or retargeting based on additional targeting signals
  • Contribute additional first-party Signals to CRM
  • Leverage existing UID infrastructure

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