GrowthCode For Publishers

Publishers can defeat signal loss, transform monetization, and future-proof revenue - without crippling margins

Core Problem

Publishers are struggling with signal loss and the cost of new first-party solutions


Several forces like user privacy, platform indecisiveness and resource constraints effect the the ultimate path publishers take

The Solution

"Easy button" solutions are cliche, but make no mistake, this one is real.

The Core Problem

As publishers and their vendor partners overhaul their strategies and stacks to solve for signal loss and addressability challenges, they are migrating to the use of first-party data to maintain addressability, increase monetization, and create new products.

As they do so they are wrestling with an increasing mess to try to figure out:

How do I maintain addressability in Open RTB and leverage Universal IDs (UIDS) to maintain signal?:

  • What impact will UIDs have on my monetization?
  • Should I integrate, optimize and custom build a graph and UID stack myself or outsource this?
  • Which UIDs will work for us and our ever-changing demand?
  • How can I easily track the uplift these UIDs have?
  • How do I make sure these UIDs are working right?
  • How do I capture these UIDs into a data set useable for other use cases in my revenue portfolio
  • How can I use UIDs to power other products?

How do I organize for structured selling outside Open RTB?:

  • What’s the easiest way to structure my inventory without the third-party cookie?
  • How can I best leverage my first-party data in curation?
  • How will Deal IDs work for me in the future?
  • How can I enrich my first-party data with additional signals?
  • What signals will have the most value?
  • How can I work directly with demand to capture more margin?
  • Can I leverage curation trends to get higher CPMs? If so, how?

Bid chaos
Changing the addressability infrastructure


Given the constant changes in the industry and the lack of any one true emergent winner to solve for these challenges, publishers agree on two things:

  • they need to invest in their first-party data
  • they can no longer over-rely on third-parties if they want to control their own destiny.

Yet most publishers have few resources and are forced to “keep the plane in the air while they change the engines”. This often forces publishers to make decisions they wouldn't ideally make - and often prevents the planning, experimentation, and iteration necessary to identify the right solutions for the unique nature of each business. 

Current experimentation takes too long and such efforts are often out-of-date before they can be completed. Further, due to market dynamics, most publishers don’t offer enough surface area to meet the unique needs of every demand partner, causing further dispersion of efforts to test new methods and vendors.

The Solution

GrowthCode has invested millions to build an “easy button” that offers publishers and their vendors the instant-on infrastructure to construct a first-party data set that can be used across the revenue portfolio to power both existing monetization like Open RTB and Deal ID–as well as future channels such as direct first-party deals with brands and custom deal curation.

With GrowthCode, sell-side stakeholders do not have to:

  • Invest millions to integrate and support the 25+ UIDs required to understand which UIDs work for which demand. 
  • Spread their already scarce resources too thin on a series of one of integrations and optimizations
  • Spend untold hours building an ID graph from scratch to build “data equity” with their own, optimized and refreshed first-party graph that can be leveraged across multiple revenue channels.

How GrowthCode builds and deploys your first-party data

GrowthCode Overview


Putting it all together with GrowthCode


Build your GRAPH

New Paragraph


Enrich Bids with ROUTER

New Paragraph


Develop audience INSIGHTS

New Paragraph


CURATE Standard and custom deals

New Paragraph

GrowthCode Graph


Build & Optimize Your Own ID Graph

Take control of the future of your monetization by building, optimizing, and maintaining your own identity graph



Acquire, build and deploy your 1P data identity and data graph with a cloud-based infrastructure



Technology in use:

  • GRAPH  
  • Sync Engine: Resolution server, Universal IDs, Pixel server



  • Future-proof monetization
  • Cut complexity managing ID vendors
  • Build data factory for future monetization opportunities 
  • Build signal using your own data



  • Create Pub ID/Shared ID
  • Map keys : Universal IDs and Pub ID
  • Resolve cookie traffic to deterministic keys
  • Stitch user attributes to keys

GrowthCode Router


Enrich your Bids with 20+ UIDs with one script.

Maximize the Value of each User Impression Using Your New First-Party Data Graph

GrowthCode ROUTER


Enrich your bid requests with 20+ identifiers and contextual signals



Technology in use:

  • GRAPH 
  • Sync Engine: Universal IDs, Pixel server


  • Maintain addressability in a world of signal loss
  • Increase yield by ~5% or more
  • Remove reliance on third-party cookie
  • Obtain uplift on impressions that have and don't have 3rd party cookies
  • Deliver impressions with the data currency buyers seek 



  • Leverages universal Identifiers from your first-party Graph
  • Maintains addressability beyond third-party cookie deprecation
  • Reduces data leakage
  • Leverage contextual signals to provide more user fidelity



 Leverage your first-party graph across your tech stack

Generate more revenue via seamless use of your first-party asset across the business



Provision your Graph Data to key endpoints for monetization



Technology in use:

  • Synch Engine


  • Increase CPMs
  • Future-proof monetization
  • Build portfolio of revenue from your first-party data


Secure/Safe sync of data to:

  • Marketplaces
  • Other internal systems
  • Curation partners
  • Ct

Build & Monetize Data-as-a-Service

Create data-as-service revenue streams to diversify your revenue portfolio


Build data as a revenue line to leverage your unique community


Technology in use:

  • GRAPH 
  • Sync Engine


  • Future-proof monetization
  • Increase revenue streams
  • Build data factory


  • Operationalize 1P data and audience data for use in licensing
  • Secure/Safe sync of data into marketplaces
  • 1P data matching with partners
  • Data link & sync with partners
  • Data enrichment to increase value of 1P data
GrowthCode CURATOR


First-Party Data = Higher Yield

Curate uses first-party data to strategically aggregate, select, and manage digital advertising inventory through deals and other programmatic channels. This method enhances audience targeting and optimization, delivering highly tailored advertising experiences.

Curate Key Features: 

  • Tailored Private Marketplaces (PMPs): CURATE enables the creation of custom Private Marketplaces, built on first-party data, that bundle specific inventory and data to meet precise advertiser needs. These PMPs are designed to offer premium and highly targeted inventory without relying on the third-party cookie, thus expanding targetable inventory and ensuring that advertisers can reach their desired audiences effectively.

  • Advanced Audience Targeting: By leveraging first-party data and advanced targeting capabilities, CURATE ensures that ads are served to the most relevant audience segments. This results in more effective ad placements, higher engagement rates, and improved return on ad spend (ROAS).

  • Optimized Inventory Management: Inventory is strategically curated through programmatic channels to maximize performance. This includes selecting high-value inventory, optimizing bid strategies, and ensuring ads are served in the most effective environments.

  • Easy Activation through Deal IDs: To streamline the activation process, curated inventory and data packages are delivered to demand-side platforms (DSPs) as easy-to-activate Deal IDs. This simplifies the process for advertisers, enabling quick and efficient campaign launches.

  • Support for custom buying algorithms: Many buyers are leaning into building their own algorithms to meet the unique needs of each client and signal deprecation. GrowthCode supports these requirements by mapping these targeting parameters against the first party ingredients present in the GrowthCode identity graph

Curate Benefits: 

  • Precision Targeting: Advertisers can reach their desired audiences more accurately, leading to better campaign outcomes.
  • Enhanced Performance: By curating high-quality inventory and optimizing placements, CURATE drives higher engagement and conversion rates.
  • Efficient Campaign Activation: Deal IDs make it easy for advertisers to activate and manage campaigns, reducing time and effort.
  • Customizable Solutions: Advertisers can tailor their media buys to specific objectives, ensuring their campaigns align with their unique goals and strategies.

Curate Use Cases: 

CURATE is a powerful tool for advertisers and media buyers. It enables these stakeholders to maximize the value of their digital advertising investments through first-party, strategic, data-driven inventory management and audience targeting. It delivers higher returns for publishers and expands publisher audiences to include cookieless users.

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